Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chapter 14: Where's the Ring....?

I used to have a blog for approximately 3 days called "Where's the Ring?" I wrote about a few blind dates and then lost interest. The caption under the heading read:
Whether it's family members asking me at someone else's wedding or I'm asking it of myself, this seems to be the question of the hour for a single 27 y/o woman. Why aren't you married yet?
Between then and now a lot of people have asked me why I'm not married or when am I getting married or "Isn't it time for you to get married and have some babies?" I'm not 27 anymore. I'll be 30 in less than 6 months. I'll also be married in less than 6 months. Um, yah.


More on that lovely story later. It's Christmas Eve-Eve and I'm off to work for a half day and then home to pack up to head to the family for Christmas. I don't even really need the Christmas shenanigans this year to be cheerful. I am blissfully happy :) And, yet, I STILL get Christmas presents on top of it all!!!! Merry Christmas to me!!!!

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