Time for a garden update! Quick and dirty just for my future reference plus a few questions. And clearly I had the iPad turned the wrong direction when taking my photos.
BASIL! I'm so proud of this year's basil. This is my best attempt so far. It's definitely Pesto-Time.
Best lettuce crop so far as well. We are going to have to start eating more salad to keep up.
Daniel bought me a Fuscia at Lowe's the first spring we were dating because we walked by and I exclaimed how pretty it was so he made me let him buy it for me :) I've gotten another one every spring since and hung it on the front porch and killed it every year. This year I moved it out back where I actually remember to water it and it's on it's 2nd or third batch of blooms! I get to look at it more than I would if it was out front too.
I'm still shocked at how well these three tomato plants are doing. I really did not expect the spindly little sprouts to survive, let alone be thriving the way they are!
Still have Poppies from Daniels' Grandma :)
My little patch of volunteer petunia's is getting big and blooming like crazy! It has lots of weeds around it because I refuse to mow it over so I have to be careful mowing around it.
The cucumbers are still really stunted but they are starting to climb a little.
Sweet little Yellow Squash
I was told I could trellis the zucchini and squash. I think that might have been a terrible falsehood.
I had to stop Daniel from picking this one. I practically threw myself in front of him screaming, "IT HAS TO TURN RED FIRST!!!!!!" This bad boy is going to be delicious!
What's that? A tiny little soy bean pod waiting to become my Edamame? Oh yah.
The pumpkin was doing GREAT until we left for the weekend and it got a tiny bit crispy. Will have to do lots of watering this week to make up for that little mishap.
Also, it's kitten season. Luna chased a little and mama kitty out from behind the shed this morning so animal control brought by a trap to see if we can catch 'em. Fingers crossed. It didn't work last time we tried.
Your plants are beautiful, Erin! I love the Fuscia plant....so beautiful!