Tonight I made tacos instead of pizza because Daniel had pizza at Guy's Night last night where they all hung out and watched hours and hours of Alien movies (you know, Sigourney Weaver eating her way out of an alien that ate her. Or something like that) in anticipation of the new one coming out. Gag. I am sometimes invited to guys night when it involves movies (I felt like Queen of the Geeks when I went to see the new Star Trek with them) but I declined this time on the grounds that those old Alien movies freak me the frack out.
Tonight's Pin is a recipe from Mel's Kitchen Cafe. See her pretty pictures? She's way better at photography than I am. But, I use my iPad for most of my blog photos so I'm going to blame that. Yup. Not a lack of skills on my part. Nope. Definitely not.
My Tools
You can tell I'm very organic and brand conscious when it comes to spices. But the almost-empty oregano container is about to get filled with oregano we grew in and dried ourselves. +1 Hippy Point
I followed the directions to the letter.
Except for the part where I never do that. Also we are out of cayenne powder.
We have lots of dried peppers. They just need to be ground up with our zillion pound stone mortar and pestle that we got a TJ Maxx for like $0.17. Or $10. Whatever it was, it was cheap.
This next picture is where I shook it like a Polaroid Picture.
But I would never really shake a Polaroid Picture like that because the company said not to.
Although we always did ours and they never burst into flames or anything.
I miss Polaroid Instant Pictures.

This is where I get a tiny bit embarrassed because my container is not a cute half pint mason jar.
Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of those.
Two of them currently hold Q-Tips and cotton balls in my bathroom. I'm so stylish.
I didn't get that from Pinterest.
I think I got it from the Pioneer Woman.
But I might have just made it up. Maybe.
I really do have a lot of mason jars in varying sizes.
I also just happened to have an empty ground cinnamon container handy and figured I'd do the planet a solid and rock some "Reduce REUSE Recycle" action.
Here is the final product.
As you can plainly see, I am terrible at food photography.
But the lettuce is from the garden so I had to use this picture to brag on our garden harvest!
And that's my Pin of the Week! I suggest you hurry over to pin it and/or make it. And give this Mel character some love on her blog. The food porn alone is worth the visit.
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